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Posted by doikle at 13:38Comments(0)







Posted by doikle at 19:10Comments(0)


The best women's workwear brands to shop at online

Let's face it: Wardrobe-wise, it's hard to do worse than bad work clothes. Itchy sweaters that amplify the already desert-like climate of an office building in February, polyester pinstripe pants that puddle in all the wrong places, plasticy flats that cut into your foot at painful angles … most women are haunted by at least one memory of an awful business casual outfit they bought for an interview or first day on the job.

offers an excellent blend of classical and modern style with an added hint of comfort and luxury. Basically, each room has a distinctive environment of its own.

The first mistake most people make when shopping for work clothes is not keeping their personal style in mind, as well as the office culture and overall vibe of their company. If you're working at a hip startup, you might feel awkward showing up for day one in a suit. On the flip side, if the environment is highly corporate, even dark wash jeans might be too laid back.

Buy Melissa plastic flats , rain boots, rain shoes, jelly shoes, sandals online with, has a collection of women plastic mini Melissa flip flop, boots.

No matter what, the key is to keep it professional but let a little bit of your personal style shine through. After all, you spend so many hours at work — you want to feel like yourself (albeit the more polished version) while you're there. These brands, with their selections of chic basics and tailored separates, make it easy.

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Posted by doikle at 13:35Comments(0)


will rain down from the sky

‘Bather says that he would rather lose Gullfaxi than lose them,’ replied Helga, ‘for if the man who rides the horse is pursued he has only to throw the twig behind him and it will turn into a forest, so thick that even a bird could hardly fly through. But if his enemy happens to know magic, and can throw down the forest, the man has only to strike the stone with the stick, and hailstones as large as pigeons’ eggsand will kill every one for twenty miles round .’

Having said all this she allowed Sigurd to ride ‘just once’ round the house, taking the sword and other things with him. But when he had ridden round, instead of dismounting, he suddenly turned the horse’s head and galloped away.

Soon after this Helga’s father came home and found his daughter in tears. He asked what was the matter, and when he heard all that had happened, he rushed off as fast as he could to pursue Sigurd

Now, as Sigurd happened to look behind him he saw the giant coming after him with great strides, and in all haste he threw the twig behind him. Immediately such a thick wood sprang up at once between him and his enemy that the giant was obliged to run home for an axe with which to cut his way through.

The next time Sigurd glanced round, the giant was so near that he almost touched Gullfaxi’s tail. In an agony of fear Sigurd turned quickly in his saddle and hit the stone with the stick. No sooner had he done this than a terrible hailstorm burst behind, and the giant was killed on the spot.

But had Sigurd struck the stone without turning round, the hail would have driven right into his face and killed him instead.

After the giant was dead Sigurd rode on towards his own home, and on the way he suddenly met his stepmother’s little dog, running to meet him, with tears pouring down its face. He galloped on as hard as he could, and on arriving found nine men-servants in the act of tying Queen Ingiborg to a post in the courtyard of the palace, where they intended to burn her.

Wild with anger Prince Sigurd sprang from his horse and, sword in hand, fell on the men and killed them all. Then he released his stepmother, and went in with her to see his father.

The king lay in bed sick with sorrow, and neither eating nor drinking, for he thought that his son had been killed by the queen. He could hardly believe his own eyes for joy when he saw the prince, and Sigurd told him all his adventures.

After that Prince Sigurd rode back to fetch Helga, and a great feast was made which lasted three days; and every one said no bride was ever seen so beautiful as Helga, and they lived happily for many, many years, and everybody loved them reenex.  

Posted by doikle at 12:41Comments(0)


we will be married at once

‘You are as quick as you are clever,’ said he, admiringly Neo skin lab. ‘This looks as if it had been embroidered by the fairies! But as the green robe must outshine the other two I will give you three days in which to finish it. After it is ready .’

Now, as he spoke, there rose up in Laufer’s mind all the unkind things that she and her mother had done to Lineik. Could she hope that they would be forgotten, and that Lineik would come to her rescue for the third time? And perhaps Lineik, who had not forgotten the past either, might have left her alone, to get on as best she could, had not Sigurd, her brother, implored her to help just once more. So Lineik again slid out of her tree, and, to Laufer’s great relief, set herself to work. When the shining green silk was ready she caught the sun’s rays and the moon’s beams on the point of her needle and wove them into a pattern such as no man had ever seen. But it took a long time, and on the third morning, just as she was putting the last stitches into the last flower the prince came in.

Lineik jumped up quickly, and tried to get past him back to her tree; but the folds of the silk were wrapped round her, and she would have fallen had not the prince caught her.

‘I have thought for some time that all was not quite straight here,’ said he. ‘Tell me who you are, and where you come from?’

Lineik then told her name and her story. When she had ended the prince turned angrily to Laufer, and declared that, as a punishment for her wicked lies, she deserved to die a shameful death.

But Laufer fell at his feet and begged for mercy. It was her mother’s fault, she said: ‘It was she, and not I, who passed me off as the Princess Lineik Neo skin lab. The only lie I have ever told you was about the robes, and I do not deserve death for that.’

She was still on her knees when Prince Sigurd entered the room. He prayed the Prince of Greece to forgive Laufer, which he did, on condition that Lineik would consent to marry him. ‘Not till my stepmother is dead,’ answered she, ‘for she has brought misery to all that came near her.’ Then Laufer told them that Blauvor was not the wife of a king, but an ogress who had stolen her from a neighbouring palace and had brought her up as her daughter. And besides being an ogress she was also a witch, and by her black arts had sunk the ship in which the father of Sigurd and Lineik had set sail. It was she who had caused the disappearance of the courtiers, for which no one could account, by eating them during the night, and she hoped to get rid of all the people in the country, and then to fill the land with ogres and ogresses like herself.

So Prince Sigurd and the Prince of Greece collected an army swiftly, and marched upon the town where Blauvor had her palace. They came so suddenly that no one knew of it, and if they had, Blauvor had eaten most of the strong men; and others, fearful of something they could not tell what, had secretly left the place. Therefore she was easily captured, and the next day was beheaded in the market-place. Afterwards the two princes marched back to Greece Neo skin lab.  

Posted by doikle at 17:51Comments(0)


It was undeniably what she had intended

She had paused slightly before the last word and Anthony suspected that she had started to say "beautiful.

Her eyes brightened and he waited for her to enlarge on the theme. He had drawn her out, at any rate--he bent forward slightly to catch the words.

But "Let's dance!" was all she said.

That winter afternoon at the plaza was the first of a succession of "dates" Anthony made with her in the blurred and stimulating days before Christmas. Invariably she was busy. What particular strata of the city's social life claimed her he was a long time finding out. It seemed to matter very little. She attended the semi-public charity dances at the big hotels; he saw her several times at dinner parties in Sherry's, and once as he waited for her to dress, Mrs. Gilbert, apropos of her daughter's habit of "going," rattled off an amazing holiday programme that included half a dozen dances to which Anthony had received cards.

He made engagements with her several times for lunch and tea--the former were hurried and, to him at least, rather unsatisfactory occasions, for she was sleepy-eyed and casual, incapable of concentrating upon anything or of giving consecutive attention to his remarks. When after two of these sallow meals he accused her of tendering him the skin and bones of the day she laughed and gave him a tea-time three days off. This was infinitely more satisfactory.  

Posted by doikle at 16:21Comments(0)


She must not forget herself

said the jailer. "Please wait a little ," said Nekhludoff, and the jailer returned to the window.
Maslova sat down again, dropping her eyes and firmly clasping her small hands.
Nekhludoff stooped over her, not knowing what to do.
"You do not believe me?" he said.
"That you mean to marry me? It will never be. I'll rather hang myself. So there!"
"Well, still I shall go on serving you."
"That's your affair, only I don't want anything from you. I am telling you the plain truth," she said. "Oh, why did I not die then?" she added, and began to cry piteously.
Nekhludoff could not speak; her tears infected him.
She lifted her eyes, looked at him in surprise, and began to wipe her tears with her kerchief.
The jailer came up again and reminded them that it was time to part.
Maslova rose.
"You are excited. If it is possible, I shall come again tomorrow; you think it over," said Nekhludoff.
She gave him no answer and, without looking up, followed the jailer out of the room.
"Well, lass, you'll have rare times now," Korableva said, when Maslova returned to the cell. "Seems he's mighty sweet on you; make the most of it while he's after you. He'll help you out. Rich people can do anything."
"Yes, that's so," remarked the watchman's wife, with her musical voice. "When a poor man thinks of getting married, there's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip; but a rich man need only make up his mind and it's done. We knew a toff like that duckie. What d'you think he did?"
"Well, have you spoken about my affairs?" the old woman asked.
But Maslova gave her fellow-prisoners no answer; she lay down on the shelf bedstead, her squinting eyes fixed on a corner of the room, and lay there until the evening University Fellow.  

Posted by doikle at 17:43Comments(0)


Facebook began testing

Messaging is the center of mobile, and Facebook wants ads in front of all those eyes. After seeing “promising results from Australia and Thailand,” Facebook Messenger is expanding its display ad beta test that lets businesses buy space between your chat threads. Later this month, a small percentage of users will start seeing ads in the Messenger app’s home tab Security Operations Center.

Facebook tells TechCrunch that where these ads appear in the inbox “depends on how many threads a user has, the size of their phone’s physical screen and the pixel density of the display Day Trip to Macau.”

Over the next month, Facebook will gradually roll out Messenger ads to all advertisers globally. They’ll have the ability to buy through the Ads Manager or Power Editor, with Messenger becoming one of the automatic placements for Facebook ads alongside the main Facebook app, Instagram and the Audience Network of other apps and sites. Ads aren’t targeted by what people write in messages, and instead use the same Facebook targeting, measurement tools and minimum 50 percent pixels in view standard for viewability.

the Messenger display ads in January, though the design has evolved from horizontally scrolling carousel design to single display ad design. This makes sense since Messenger’s recent redesign gave people tabs they could swipe through, which could have been accidentally triggered by people swiping through the ads.

The display ads are the most traditional way that Facebook is trying to monetize its 1.2 billion user Messenger app. As Facebook runs out of ad inventory in its News Feed, which it’s warned could slow the company’s revenue growth, it’s seeking to put ads on more of its properties Window Type Air-Conditioner.

Posted by doikle at 11:30Comments(0)


Facebook reportedly building smart speaker with touch screen

Facebook may launch its own smart-home gadget to get you messaging more friends and looking at more photos. DigiTimes reports from Taiwan that Facebook is building a 15-inch touch-screen smart speaker.
Citing sources from the “upstream supply chain,” Chinese iPhone manufacturer Pegatron is building the device for a Q1 2018 launch, with a small pilot run having already been produced. It’s said to have been designed by Facebook’s secretive new hardware lab Building 8, using an LG in-cell touch screen with a magnesium-aluminum-alloy chassis fully furnished.
While no further details are known about the speaker’s functionality, it could potentially extend Facebook’s feed of photos and videos, plus its dominant messaging platform, into the bedroom, living room or kitchen. When reached for comment, a Facebook spokesperson sent me the company’s standard response: “Unfortunately we don’t have anything to share at this time.”
The Facebook speaker might work as a digital photo frame when inactive, piping in new photos or videos to brighten up the home. Through voice commands, users could potentially Like or leave comments on this content.
It would also be sensible for Facebook to allow messaging from the speaker, via voice-dictated text messages, VoIP audio calls or video calling. As of February, 400 million of Facebook Messenger’s 1.2 billion users communicate via Facebook audio and video calling every month. A touch-screen smart speaker could become a high-tech home phone alternative that’s easy for younger kids and grandparents to use.
Amazon is already trying to barge into the home communications market with its new Amazon Echo Show version of its smart speaker, which lets people video call each other over its screen. Google has its own Google Home speaker and Apple is preparing to launch the HomePod. But none of them have a ubiquitous cross-device instant messaging platform with a comprehensive social graph the way Facebook does Elevit.
Amazon’s Echo Show can call any Echo, Echo Show, or Alexa-enabled Amazon app, but the company has never been a player in the communication space. Apple FaceTime doesn’t work on Android. Google Home doesn’t have a screen, and its messaging apps are a fragmented mess. But Facebook could connect video callers between any phone and a home speaker, plus it already knows who all your friends are.
Facebook could potentially earn money directly from selling a smart speaker. There could be a way to pipe ads into the screen, though it might feel obtrusive to have a changing billboard in your home. The social network already has TV apps that run on Android, Apple and Roku’s TV hardware. Late last year Facebook admitted it planned to sell ads that would appear on its TV apps. A touch-screen smart speaker could be another place those ads run.
But if such a device got people browsing and messaging on Facebook more, it could lock them deeper into its ecosystem, where they’ll inevitably see Facebook’s ads on its smartphone.
Facebook’s Building 8 had been quiet since launching in 2016 under the helm of former Google ATAP leader Regina Dugan. At this year’s Facebook F8 conference, Building 8 revealed it was working on a technology to let people type just by thinking, and another to help the visually impaired “hear” through their skin. Most recently, Business Insider reported that Facebook secured a patent for a modular hardware device that could be a phone, though that technology could let people snap extra components onto a smart speaker .
The one major missing piece for Facebook to succeed with a smart speaker is voice recognition technology. In September 2016, Facebook’s head of Messenger David Marcus told me onstage at TechCrunch Disrupt that Facebook wasn’t focused on voice technology, but it may have been secretly hard at work on voice tech or grown its interest since then. Facebook acquired voice command developer platform Wit.ai in 2015.
Marcus is already saying “Messenger is your virtual living room.” Perhaps that was less of a lofty metaphor and more of a literal roadmap. If Facebook can build a gadget that releases its beloved News Feed and Messenger from the confines of your phone, and makes them accessible with a glance or word at any time, it may have found how to make us spend even more time on its social network.

Posted by doikle at 11:14Comments(0)


Uber investors who called it “toxic” are satisfied

Freada and Mitch Kapor broke rank with typical investor silence in the face of scandals at their portfolio companies by publicly criticizing Uber in February, saying it was “toxic” and had “a culture plagued by disrespect, exclusionary cliques, lack of diversity, and tolerance for bullying and harassment of every form.”
But today, the couple who invested in Uber starting in 2010 issued a letter announcing their satisfaction with the tough and far-reaching recommendations for change that Uber’s board unanimously voted to enact. They were encouraged by the firing of some senior leadership, and now urge follow-through on the plan with transparency and measurement DR REBORN.
The Kapors wrote:
“We also said that we were ready to help, but only if the company took a comprehensive approach to overhauling its culture, including “every aspect of its policies, practices, complaint systems, training, upward communication systems, sentiment analysis, and commitment from the top.” Our initial review of today’s report suggests that this is the approach that the board has adopted. The recommendations are both thoughtful and extensive, and we are very encouraged that they have taken this as seriously as we had hoped .”
The changes include diminished responsibility for CEO Travis Kalanick, who is taking a leave of absence, as well as more independent oversight from the board, manadatory inclusive leadership training, management compensation tied to success with increasing diversity and decreasing employee complaints, increasing the profile of the head of diversity, and a clear process for escalating HR problems.
Travis Kalanick, billionaire and chief executive officer of Uber Technologies Inc., speaks during the opening of “Startup Fest”, a five-day conference to showcase Dutch innovation, in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on Tuesday, May 24, 2016. The Digital City Index for 2015 ranked Amsterdam Europe’s second-best city, behind London, for tech startups. Photographer: Marlene Awaad/Bloomberg via Getty Images
The question now is whether Uber will enthusiastically adopt the planned changes, or drag its feet. If it can turn things around and fix its culture without tanking its business, it will embolden other tech companies to face their own internal problems head-on .
But if the investigation into rampant harassment and bad behavior results in a some new faces but the same old cesspool, the whole industry may be marred by Uber’s reluctance for justice. We already have our first terrible sign: Uber board member from TPG Capital David Bonderman made an incredibly sexist remark towards fellow board member Arianna Huffington — WHILE ON STAGE AT THE ALL-HANDS MEETING ABOUT UBER BECOMING LESS SEXIST.
Apparently he’s already apologized, but the fact that this comes from who’s supposed to oversee Uber’s road to change is horrifying.
Tech must change, and more people like the Kapors must stand up for that change.

Posted by doikle at 12:01Comments(0)